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8 January 2025

Check TLS Client Certificate in Java

by Robert Staeber, reading time: 2 mins


The gematik document “Übergreifende Spezifikation PKI” gemSpec_PKI specifies the certificate validation process within the TI (Telematik Infrastruktur): TUC_PKI_018 “ Zertifikatsprüfung in der TI”.
Among other things, the document defines that the TLS handshake must be interrupted to validate the client’s certificate. This results in 2 main tasks:

  1. Implementing a certificate validation process.
  2. Integrating this validation into the TLS handshake.

Certificate Validation Process

The certificate validation process is already implemented and well-documented in the gemLibPki library. Simply use this library (introduced below) and follow the instructions in its README.md.

Library gemLibPki

The gemLibPki implements all the checks defined in TUC_PKI_018 and is already used by several software companies.
source code -> gitHub
binaries -> maven central

Interrupting the TLS Handshake on the Server Side to Validate the Client Certificate

The following code snippets demonstrate how to interrupt the TLS handshake in a Spring Boot application.
You need to implement a Spring Boot component that extends X509TrustManager and use it as a HandshakeInterceptor in the TomcatServletCustomizer.


TLS handshake with validation of client’s certificate

The overridden method checkClientTrusted serves as the entry point for invoking the certificate validation process:

 * This class is not managed by Spring, it is managed by TomcatServletCustomizer...
public final class HandshakeInterceptor implements X509TrustManager { 

  public void checkClientTrusted(final X509Certificate[] chain, final String authType)
      throws CertificateException {
    final TucPki018Verifier tucPki18Verifier;

Set your HandshakeInterceptor in the TomcatServletCustomizer:

public class TomcatServletCustomizer
    implements WebServerFactoryCustomizer<TomcatServletWebServerFactory> {

  public void customize(final TomcatServletWebServerFactory factory) {
        connector -> {


Example Implementation on GitHub

The PKI testsuite published by gematik, includes a “System Under Test Server Simulator” (gitHub -> pkits-sut-server-sim) that interrupts the TLS handshake to validate the client’s certificate. The simulator uses the gemLibPki library to perform the required validation.

About the Author

Robert Stäber is a software engineer for more than 20 years. He joined the gematik in 2016 and is member of the product team IDM (Identity Management) and the Chapter Identity & Security as well.