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12 October 2022

VAU and the Brainpool; plus some Kotlin - a more lightweight approach to ECIES

by Tobias Schwerdtfeger, reading time: 11 mins

Probably you’re here for an answer on how to implement the Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme (ECIES) in something like Kotlin or Java for communicating with the trusted execution environment (TEE; or in german, we like to call this VAU) of our e-prescription server. Perfect! Because otherwise, I would lose your attention to three lines of code:

val cipher = Cipher.getInstance("ECIES", BCProvider)
cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, publicKey)

After your initial excitement, I’ve to tell you the truth: The code above is not sufficient for our needs 😔

BUT! If you only want to use ECIES with some defaults (like NIST curves) using Android, I can recommend Tink.

Disclaimer: I’m not a crypto expert who can answer the ins and outs of cryptographic schemes or elliptic curves. I just know how to implement this stuff. And it works! Well, now, not in the beginning… So if you only want to survive the loveliness of using rarely used elliptic curves and not so easy to implement cipher suits, you’re welcome!

How do we get here?

So let’s take some steps back and actually explain the concept of the TEE. Just a couple of years ago, the e-prescription was in the making. At that time, it was clear that the patient needed some form of autonomy over their own health information. So what does nearly everyone have nowadays? Yes, a smartphone! Therefore, a mobile app was the way to go. With the limitations even modern smartphones have, we needed some lightweight and safe encryption process while following the guidelines of the BSI. (Yes, that’s the point where Brainpool curves come into play 🤫)

The actual concept of the TEE represents some kind of environment where no one (e.g., an administrator) is able from the outside to read or modify data during the runtime of the (server-) application. Another point was to ensure that the payload of the communication between the client (E-Rezept App, PVS, AVS) and the actual destination on the server always stays encrypted, until it enters the TEE. A standard HTTPS encryption would be terminated at the first endpoint, like the load balancer.

In this way, the e-prescription server, as a centralized architecture, can handle health data safely.

But what about ECIES now? It’s just an encryption scheme. Every implementation you’ll find will differ from each other on some (maybe tiny) details. And you’ll have to deal with random data! This will always lead to “in 1 of 1000 test runs, it will magically fail”. So let’s implement ECIES for the e-prescription service and explore some pitfalls.


Not very surprisingly, we’ll be using BouncyCastle and, as mentioned above, Kotlin. This way, we can easily implement our encryption and decryption with ECIES for the TEE.

It all starts with the specification

Well, we can’t really get around reading at least the steps listed in gemSpec_Krypt 7.2.3. Here we find some pretty important facts about some parameters we have to use:

IV size = 12 bytes
AES key size = 16 bytes
Context of the key = "ecies-vau-transport"

And most importantly: the resulting encrypted payload will start with a 01. I’ll tell you later why this is so “important”.

Let’s encrypt

First of all, what do we need?

  1. random initialization vector
  2. random ephemeral key pair
  3. the actual public key of our recipient; let’s call it otherPublicKey
  4. and we create all keys on the brainpoolP256r1 curve

So here we go:

val otherPublicKey = ...

val ivBytes = ByteArray(12 /* iv size */).apply {
val ivSpec = IvParameterSpec(ivBytes)

val ephemeralKp = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("EC", BCProvider)
    .apply { initialize(ECGenParameterSpec("brainpoolP256r1"), SecureRandom()) }

The ephemeral private key now plays a role while deriving the key:

val sharedSecret = KeyAgreement.getInstance("ECDH", BCProvider).apply {
    init(ephemeralKp.private, SecureRandom())
    doPhase(otherPublicKey, true)

val aesKey = ByteArray(16 /* aes size */).apply {
    HKDFBytesGenerator(SHA256Digest()).apply {
        init(HKDFParameters(sharedSecret, null, "ecies-vau-transport".toByteArray()))
    }.generateBytes(this, 0, this.size)

Finally, we encrypt our actual payload:

val ciphertext = Cipher.getInstance("AES/GCM/NoPadding", BCProvider).apply {
    init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, SecretKeySpec(aesKey, "AES"), ivSpec)

Final message

We are ready to assemble our message ready for the TEE.

Now here’s the tricky part where I stumbled at the beginning as well:

val publicKey = ephemeralKp.public as ECPublicKey
val x = publicKey.w.affineX.toByteArray()
val y = publicKey.w.affineY.toByteArray()

val encryptedPayload = 
    ByteArray(1 + 32 * 2 + 12 + ciphertext.size).apply {  // (0)
        y.copyInto(this, 1 + 32 + 32 - y.size)            // (1)
        x.copyInto(this, 1 + 32 - x.size)                 // (2)
        set(0, 1)                                         // (3)
        ivSpec.iv.copyInto(this, 1 + 32 + 32)
        ciphertext.copyInto(this, 1 + 32 + 32 + 12)

If you take a closer look, you’ll notice the inverse order of copying things. This is due to our big integer differing in the encoded size and containing a sign bit which can lead to a 33 byte long array representing either coordinate of the elliptic curve. Since our ephemeral key is random, this will easily go unnoticed in unit tests.

To get an easy understanding of the copying:

Y Coord: AB AB AB AB ... AB AB AB (33 bytes)
X Coord:          CD ... CD CD CD (30 bytes)

Step 0: 00   00 00 00 ... 00 00 00   00 00 00 ... 00 00 00   00 ... 00   00 ... 00
Step 1:                         AB   AB AB AB ... AB AB AB   00 ... 00   00 ... 00
Step 2:            CD ... CD CD CD   AB AB AB ... AB AB AB   00 ... 00   00 ... 00
Step 3: 01         CD ... CD CD CD   AB AB AB ... AB AB AB   00 ... 00   00 ... 00

Final:  01   00 00 CD ... CD CD CD   AB AB AB ... AB AB AB   IV ... IV   CIPHER...

As a result, we simply overwrite the AB in step 2.

So I promised to get to this first byte. The thing is, other implementations would contain a 02, 03, or 04. The 04 indicates an uncompressed ec public key encoding, while the other two are used for a compressed representation. In our implementation, we used the first byte as a version indicator for the chosen parameters.

Let’s decrypt

While only the e-prescription service is required to decrypt our ECIES encrypted message, we can prove our implementation with some decryption!

We start with recovering the ephemeral public key coordinates and the initialization vector:

val encryptedPayload = ...

val x = BigInteger(1, encryptedPayload.copyOfRange(1, 1 + 32)) // starts at index 1
val y = BigInteger(1, encryptedPayload.copyOfRange(1 + 32, 1 + 32 * 2)) // starts at index 33

val ivSpec = IvParameterSpec(encryptedPayload, 1 + 32 * 2, 12) // starts at index 65

To decode the key into an ECPublicKey object we use some BouncyCastle specific functions.

val curveSpec = ECNamedCurveTable.getParameterSpec("brainpoolP256r1")
val pubKeySpec = org.bouncycastle.jce.spec.ECPublicKeySpec(
    curveSpec.curve.createPoint(x, y),
val ephemeralPublicKey = KeyFactory.getInstance("EC", BCProvider)
    .generatePublic(pubKeySpec) as ECPublicKey

At this point, we just reuse the code from the encryption part and exchange the used keys within the key agreement. To keep the same wording as in the encryption process, we stay with otherPrivateKey or otherPublicKey. In this case, other means our key pair.

val sharedSecret = KeyAgreement.getInstance("ECDH", BCProvider).apply {
    init(otherPrivateKey, SecureRandom())
    doPhase(ephemeralPublicKey, true)

val aesKey = ByteArray(16).apply {
    HKDFBytesGenerator(SHA256Digest()).apply {
        init(HKDFParameters(sharedSecret, null, "ecies-vau-transport".toByteArray()))
    }.generateBytes(this, 0, this.size)

val cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/GCM/NoPadding", BCProvider).apply {
    init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, SecretKeySpec(aesKey, "AES"), ivSpec)

If everything worked out, we should be able to decrypt our message and check if the plaintext from above matches.

    encryptedPayload, // e.g. 01 754e548941e5cd073fed6d73... 86c2b491c7... 4e6e30721...
    1 + 32 * 2 + 12, // start index of ciphertext within encryptedPayload
    encryptedPayload.size - (1 + 32 * 2 + 12) // length of actual ciphertext
) == plaintext

If you’re looking for a copy & paste solution, head to the E-Rezept Android App VAU implementation. You can find some unit tests for this implementation here.

Have some ❤️, questions, feedback, or feel like 🤔 Reach out to me at Twitter or GitHub.

About the author

Tobias Schwerdtfeger has been a software developer for some years on Android with a particular enthusiasm towards exploring and realising a broad selection of UI/UX concepts, plus some spontaneous love for not so visual things. For the last two years, he has dedicated his time to the Android E-Rezept App.